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DW MK School: End-of-Semester Service 종강예배

Writer's picture: Boyoung SeongBoyoung Seong

On Saturday, June 15, 2024, DW MK English School gathered for our end-of-semester service via Zoom at 10 AM Eastern Time, which was late afternoon students' local time. It was a joyous time to express our gratitude to the dedicated teachers and to encourage students who have made great strides in their studies.

In particular, the teachers took the time to pray for each of their students individually, pick and read a Bible verse to bless them in the service. The service was filled with laughter and heart emojis(손하트...), making it a joyful time. Reflecting on the semester, there was so much to be thankful for. "Have a wonderful summer break, and we look forward to seeing everyone again soon!"

If you are interested in volunteering as an English teacher at MK School, please send an email with your name, contact information, and current occupation to

DW MK School에서 Zoom으로 함께 모여 종강예배를 드렸습니다. 지난 학기동안 애써주신 선생님들께 감사를 전하고, 수고한 학생들을 격려하며 기쁨을 나눴습니다. 특별히 선생님들께서는 자신들이 가르치던 학생들 한 명 한 명을 위해 기도하며 말씀을 한구절씩 준비하고 부모님들 앞에서 읽어주며 학생들을 축복하는 시간을 가졌습니다. 함께 모여 나누는 시간 내내 웃음이 넘치고 손하트를 날리며 기쁨의 시간을 가졌네요. 돌아보면서 감사할 것이 참 많은 시간이었습니다. 모두모두 건강히 여름 방학 잘 보내고 9월에 또 만나요~! 축복합니다.

DW MK School 영어 선생님을 자원하기 원하시는 분은

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